Casey H. Moore

Nailing Social Video Strategy

Recently Sports Video Group (SVG) took a little trip to #SportFest and came away with five key points to social video. They have some great points from the experts at MLS, NBA, and FOX Sports. 

However, we thought that we might be able to throw out one extra that can help lead direction on engaging with fans through social video.

6. Show How the Sausage Is Made

Show “Behind-the-Scenes” action. Supporters and fans love feeling like they know something that someone else doesn’t. The best way to do that is show what happens in the locker room. Show how the day-to-day is run. What may seem boring to you can provide your consumer with amazing content. Remember, you only find it boring because it is YOUR day-to-day, not your consumer.


Categories: Major League Soccer, Soccer Marketing, Social Media