Carly Samp

SNHU making an impact in Atlanta during the MLS All-Star Week

The MLS All-Star Game is an event I look forward to every year. Different from the rest of our client’s MLS events throughout the regular season, it is the single best opportunity to allow your brand to go bigger and bolder, and to showcase your brand in an entirely different and fresh way in a market that may not have been on their radar.

Southern New Hampshire University takes it one step further through their commitment to their students, alumni, and making a difference in the local community wherever they are. This year SNHU donated their time and resources to construct a new computer lab at the Clarkston Community Center in the greater Atlanta area. Clarkston is the U.S.’s most diverse community, with a population of 14,000 people with 57 nationalities, and 52 different languages represented. The Community Center itself is truly inspiring, as it served over 57,000 residents last year and offers a variety of services ranging from English classes, arts, theatre, and educational programs, and not to mention, a soccer field that always seemed to have people playing on it when Danielle and I walked by.

New computers, 3D printers, photography equipment, and new furniture were donated to the tech lab, which will help connect refugees in the area to their families back home, and help get them to apply for jobs online. This space will be a place for people to come and get access to things that they may not have had access to, which is certainly life-changing. The kids were excited to test out the new lab (see photos below), and were even able to test out their new computers alongside Atlanta United’s Miles Robinson – a special treat!









With a brother who has a background in social work, and serving local refugees here in Chicago and in Africa, I was proud to be a part of this initiative…and proud to work alongside SNHU who continues to provide outstanding work and resources for those in need in local MLS communities.

Categories: Major League Soccer, SNHU, Sponsorship, Uncategorized